Thursday, March 22, 2012

Long Time no Blerg

Yeah well, blogging is

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crazy Talkers

I'm a talker. I have no problem letting my voice out and I'm as loud and as forward as I need to be. I make no excuses for it and it has always served me well. If you don't like talkers then you are probably some anti-social basement dweller and go...dwell.

My talking, while copious, is pretty basic. I think my voice may be a little gravely at times but I try to be as clear as possible.

I've just spent the last 3 weeks with a co-worker in one of our firm's more remote offices and he's certainly a "Different" type of talker. I have nothing against him, he's nice, funny, and skilled but on a crazy talker scale of 1-10 he'd rate a 5. Let me explain

There is a crazy talker scale that looks a little something like the following.

1 = Winston Churchill - 10 = Castrato with a hair lip

Obama might be a 2 with all of his pausing and pretty consistent presentation, Tiny Tim would be a 7.

Okay so let's move on. My co-worker is a 4-5, he is verbal and can typically be understood but he tends to trail off and speak very quietly sometimes. He'll go from loud and audible one second to barely a whisper the next and all in the space of one sentence. That's okay when you're in the cone of silence but we're never in the cone of silence. Add to that the fact that he likes to turn the radio up loudly in the car and I've taken to just enjoying our time together in silence.

Does he understand that he's doing this? What causes it? Shyness? In the past month he's lost his work computer, his keys, his credit card and a few other things. He drives one handed to the office everyday and merges in traffic at the last possible second. I think, therefore, that I have to attribute his voice to distraction. He starts out fine and then gets distracted and trails off.

I'll call 4, on the crazy talked scale, Distracted.

Chief Wiggum: Okay, we can all stop worrying now, these dogs never fail.
Kirk: But... will they just find Milhouse, or will they find him and kill him?
Chief Wiggum: Well, they'll...when they find him, they'll... um, um... [mumbles incoherently]
Kirk: Uh, excuse me, you didn't answer me, you just trailed off.
Chief Wiggum: Yeah... yeah, I did kind of trail off, there, didn't I?

Ya, crassytalknbasterd